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Rudolf Steiner's Last Adress and 4x12 Michaelites



Text Nr. 1
Edited on 24.10.2024
Dear friends!
These materials were born from conversations and colloquia of an international group of anthroposophists from more than 10 countries, many of whom are also members of the Esoteric Youth Circle. The main theme uniting this work is - reliving the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's Last Adress and exploring the content as well as the possibility of resurrecting the spiritual impulse of the "4x12 Michaelites" given by the Doctor one hundred years ago.
Reports are prepared and discussions are conducted in four languages: German, English, Russian, Ukrainian. Materials will be published in these languages. Each document is completely self-sufficient, but for ease of familiarization with them, a certain sequence (numbering) of texts is proposed.

1. Foreword: The Last Adress of Rudolf Steiner and the 4x12 Michaelites
2. The Connection of Rudolf Steiner's Last Adress with the Christmas Gathering: 9 Months and the Opening of the Second Class of the Free High School of Spiritual Science
3. The Concept of a Michaelite, Their Way of Thinking and Living. Seven Steps Leading to the Circle of 4x12 Michaelites
4. Concepts: Michael's Power, Michael's Mood, Michael's Stream, Michael's Idea
5. The Concept of a True Michaelite and the Temple of New Mysteries
6. The Significance of Northern Mythology: Leader of Muspelheim - Surtr
7. Justification for Inviting Witnesses to the Ceremony of the Foundation of the Circle of 4x12
8. The Cult Space of 48 Michaelites
9. How to Become a Seeker of the Michaelites

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Annex 1
Transcript of audio recording dated 28.10.2024.
Revision of 14.01.2025
Distinction of concepts
48 and 4x12 Michaelites
This question requires expanding our framework to the level of the spiritual world. The spiritual world is not simple and does not put all eggs in one basket. Different interpretations of what the fourfold 12 Michaelites are represent different possibilities and options through which the salvation of the world can come.
It is not about specific 48 people, predetermined and counted. There are many Michaelites who have a chance to be part of these 48. Moreover, there are potentially different versions of the 48. For example, if we put the representatives of the Northern and Southern streams - Magi and shepherds - vertically in a cross, and Platonists and Aristotelians horizontally, these 48 could save the world. If 12 Magi, 12 shepherds, 12 Platonists and 12 Aristotelians were found, these 48 would save the world.
If there were 12 mystery centres with four priests for each of the four elements, these 12 Grails would save the world. Let's also consider the four sides of the world: northern, southern, western and eastern mysteries - 12 representatives from each mystery - also it turns out 4x12.
100 years ago, when these words were spoken, the spiritualisation of the various mystery movements of antiquity was relevant. If 12 Templars, 12 Rosencreucers, 12 Friends of God and 12 Albigoyans were found, they could save the world. Consider 12 times four: if four Rosencreutzers, four Albigoyans, and representatives of 12 different ancient mystery movements of four each were found, they could save the world.
There were many chances - completely different choices, but in any case there had to be at least 48. They would be the total group that would make up the Second and Third Classes of the Free High School of Spiritual Science: 36 and 12. Consider a group of people working on the harmonisation of the seven Archangels: seven groups of seven, so that each group corresponds to each Archangel and considers seven aspects of that Archangel: its planet, metal and so on. Thus, seven times seven = 49 people, and they would save the world. Another option: within the Second Class, which includes the Third Class, because the Third Class implies that it is the Second with additions. Therefore, there are 48 people in the Second Class along with the Third Class (third graders are also second graders). If all 48 Second Graders come under the auspices of one weekly Angel and take in his powers, we get a total of 48. Another plus four general weeks, which correspond to the four major annual feasts. They already stand not only under the Angels, but also under the four Archangels. Therefore the four most leading Michaelites in addition to the 48 take on these four nodal weeks under the four Archangels. Total we get 48 weeks under the Angels of the year and four more additionally under the Archangels of the year. In this way the world could be saved.
There are plenty of opportunities to save the world. But people are such that, although the spiritual world has provided a lot of opportunities, they managed to neglect it all, to be left with nothing and completely fall under the threat of the World Chthonic Monster. Therefore the concept 48 is very flexible, capacious and diverse. And almost all of these plans are still in place to this day.
If we take the ancient mystery currents, there is no need now to preserve their cults, which were once important. There is no need to single out among the Michaelites separately the Hussites, the Rosicrucians, the Albigoyans, etc., because the spiritual beings who led these currents have already passed to the next level and received new tasks from Christ. It is not relevant today to cultivate oneself as a representative of an ancient mystery stream, although it is useful to study this as a historical blueprint and not let it perish. Even 100 years ago there was a question of continuity, and it was important then to receive a direct link from these ancient streams and to let them merge into the general anthroposophical field. Now this is not the case for the ancient streams, but it is not the case for the new streams. What should happen with regard to the ancient streams, namely their merger, should have begun 100 years ago and by this time be over. But the new streams must not merge. There must be a meeting between them. For example, the meeting between the community of Christians and the Anthroposophical Society, which could have taken place at the Christmas Meeting, would not have led to the creation of a single organisation: the anthroposophical community of Christians. They still have different tasks. The Community of Christians accepts people who are not yet ready for anthroposophy in this incarnation. Thanks to the modern sacramental cult and the appropriate environment which is born out of this cult, out of the anthroposophical training of the priests, people in future incarnations will be ready to come to anthroposophy. Conversely, the anthroposophical society accepts those who are already in this incarnation ready for anthroposophy. For them it would be harmful and a step backwards to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the community of Christians, which for them would be ungodly, decadent and in a bad sense nirvanic. For the anthroposophist, the atmosphere of the community of Christians is a bad nirvana, a step backwards. They must clearly understand each other's tasks.
As for mages and shepherds, the task is not just to merge with each other, but to make a mutual transition. Magicians must become shepherds, and shepherds must become magicians. To some extent, this applies to Platonists and Aristotelians, but not to such an acute degree: they simply need to meet and begin to speak in the same language, at the same table, to begin to co-operate fruitfully.
All the relations of different spiritual streams are in different degrees of evolution. There is a general evolution of mankind, and there is an evolutionary plan concerning an individual spiritual stream. That is why one should always be specific. What are the tasks now concerning this spiritual stream and its correlation with comparable spiritual streams? Something must completely merge and disappear, because if it does not disappear, it will remain a mummy. If now some Rosenkreutzers show up and claim that only they are the real Rosenkreutzers taught by Christian Rosenkreutz, it will turn out that the one they take for Christian Rosenkreutz is a demon. Christian Rosenkreutz will not do now what he did centuries ago. What he is doing now we can see from his joint project with Rudolf Steiner in 1911, when the Theosophical Society of Art and Method was being established, which was to be led by Christian Rosenkreutz. There should not arise the spirit of mystery which some people enjoy - that they possess some secret which all other people will not be allowed to possess. This is now so decadent and pernicious that any representatives of secret societies immediately give away that they are being led by entirely different beings. The task, therefore, with regard to other beings is their transubstantiation, not their infusion into anthroposophy. This must be distinguished. It is one thing to transubstantiate, another to infuse what is to be the constituent substance of anthroposophy. Anthroposophical power is born out of these ancient mystery streams, but not out of various other streams in themselves. Out of this is born the patchwork quilt with which homeless people take shelter in a rubbish dump. If 100 years ago at least one of the options prepared by the spiritual world had come to pass, that is, if the representatives of the 12 mystery centres had begun to ask their questions and had received all the necessary instructions to lay their Foundation Stone there, then 12 more Foundation Stones would have been laid on Earth along with Dornach. By this point, there would have long been 12 cultural islands that would have had a strong influence on the world around them, and other mystery centres would have begun to emerge. By now there would have been a vast number of cultural islands on Earth, growing out of many different places, mysterious centres linked together by an invisible network.
But first the first 12 would arise, and a "Circle of Twelve" would arise, consisting not of 12 people (there would be 48 people!), but of 12 Grails. A Grail that would have a similar task to the Circle of Twelve would cover the whole Earth with mystery centres and pulses around them, cultural islands. This would make the Earth at numerous points transparent to the spiritual world, so that the spiritual world could flow into hundreds, thousands of places by the end of the century. Of course, then things would be different at the present moment. Then would be the course of events that we have described in our documents as ideal: if the Christmas Gathering had succeeded.
Thus, we see that the concept of "48 Michaelites" is flexible and multifaceted. It includes many possible combinations and variants that could lead to the salvation of the world. However, despite the many opportunities provided, mankind failed to take full advantage of them, which led to the threat from the World Chthonic Beast.
Today, when we consider the ancient mystery currents, it is important to realise that their cults are no longer relevant. The spiritual beings who led these currents have passed to a new level and received new tasks from Christ. Therefore, there is no need to single out among the Michaelites the representatives of ancient mystery currents such as the Hussites, the Rosicrucians or the Albigoyans. However, the study of these currents as a historical blueprint remains important in order to prevent them from perishing.
Modern challenges require a new approach. It is important to realise that new spiritual streams should not merge, but should meet and interact. For example, a meeting between a community of Christians and the Anthroposophical Society should not lead to the creation of a single organisation. They still have different tasks and should clearly understand each other's tasks.
Magicians and shepherds must not just merge, but make a mutual transition: magicians must become shepherds and shepherds become magicians. Platonists and Aristotelians must meet and begin to speak the same language, to co-operate.
Each spiritual stream is at a different stage of evolution. It is important to approach each one specifically, taking into account its current tasks and relationship with other streams. Some streams must completely merge and disappear in order not to become mummies. For example, if the Rosenkreutzers show up now claiming to be real, it will turn out that they are being led by a demon, not Christian Rosenkreutz.
The task is one of transubstantiation, not of infusion into anthroposophy. The anthroposophical force is born out of the ancient mystery streams, but not out of other streams themselves. If at least one of the options offered by the spiritual world had been realised 100 years ago, there would already have been 12 cultural islets on earth with a strong influence on the world around them. These islands would have been connected by an invisible network, creating a multitude of cultural centres.



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