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Text No. 2
Transcript of audio recording 27.09.2024
Edition of 24.10.2024

The connection of the Last Adress with the Christmas Gathering:
9 months and the opening of Second Class

From private conversations of Rudolf Steiner it is known that the Second Class should have opened in September. Well, this, of course, would mark the beginning of the foundation of Circle 48. This was the plan in the ideal course of events: 9 months after the Christmas meeting - in September 1924 - perhaps it was on Michaelmas 1924 that the grand opening of the Second class and at the same time the foundation of this Circle 48. But this was not done for obvious reasons: because the very impulse of the Christmas meeting by that moment had already been largely lost. Therefore, what kind of Second Class can we talk about, when the First Class had already been lost by this moment? That is why Rudolf Steiner could no longer speak openly at all, bearing the heavy karma of unawakened anthroposophists.

Why is it now - a hundred years later - that the question of founding Circle 48 can still be raised? – Second class has been open at Circle 12 for quite some time. AND Third class has also been open for a long time and has gained its height. Therefore, we can now enter this special cosmic cycle of nine months (apparently, it is no coincidence that nine months term is also associated with the maturation of a human being in its intrauterine development).
What was laid a hundred years ago as the Foundation Stone at the Christmas Meeting became the germ of something very significant; the sacred conception took place, and then it was at Michaelmas that this birth was to take place. So this is the birth of what? – Just this Circle 48 or something, which is the same as the Second and Third classes of the Free High School of Spiritual Science.
What momentum are we picking up now? The impulse born in the cosmic rhythm of these nine months of waiting, in fact, for whom? Who should have been born? How can we understand Circle 48 or Second-Third Classes? - No other than the newborn New Adam! For this is exactly what the members of the Circle of 48 would be - representatives of future humanity, since in the future all humanity would become what the first 48 Michaelites were supposed to become. This is who should have been born on Michaelmas 1924.
And if everything had gone as it should, this would not have been the Last Speech. This would not have happened in such tragic circumstances that Rudolf Steiner, with the last of his strength, literally choking, literally falling, losing consciousness, made his Last Speech. Then the Last Speech would not have been last and would not have been left unsaid.
But even when such a call was made openly at the Last Speech, no one responded to it. Therefore, it was not possible to express its continuation, where the most significant secrets would be revealed, which are only hinted at in the first part of the Last Speech. Because if someone had responded, then Rudolf Steiner would not have been crushed by the unbearable weight of the common karma of the Anthroposophical Society. On the contrary, if someone responded, then this would mean that there would be Michaelites who would lend their shoulder to this karmic burden, and then Rudolf Steiner would have the opportunity to act further. And then he would read the second part of this lecture - by no means the last. It wouldn't be called the Last Lecture anymore. And so it really became the last. He would have had the opportunity to continue his activities as a driver for the Anthroposophical Society and would begin to create the Second Class and then the Third Class.
